The Razor- Original Item: After World War Two personal items issued to individual solders were usually taken home when the soldier was mustered out. As a result, very few of these items became available to the collector. IMA has found a small quantity of un-issued US issue Gillette safety razors in the original hinged Bakelite plastic case. The case is marked with the Gillette arrow logo in a diamond. Inside the case is a safety razor handle and head with extra space for a supply of double-edged blades. The end of the razor is either marked "MADE IN U.S.A." Or "MADE IN ENGLAND" (no choice) along with the Gillette logo as found on the case. This is a very rare accessory, as the troops took them home when they left the service. Now you can complete your re-enactor gear with this genuine accessory. Also see our original US issue shaving brush.
The Blades- Original Item: Totally un-issued, still in sealed packs of TEN blades per pack, new old stock! "Hollow Ground, Gold Thin Steel, Made from Watch Spring Steel" these are the claims on the exterior of the 1940?s era packaging, sealed, still with cellophane covers intact. Interestingly detailed script in Italian indicating these U.S. made products from the PAL Blade Company of New York were shipped to U.S. Forces in Italy after the invasion of 1943. Original unopened pack of 10 blades.
Buy the set and SAVE $5!